aoife's roo

So…we’ve been back from Australia for over a week now.  At this point, it’s almost as if it was all a wonderful, happy dream…

I have cooked once since we’ve been back.  Seriously, we needed to lay off the eating after our incredible trip.  Although we did manage to squeeze in an Indian take-away from the best Dublin Indian that I’m aware of, KonKan over on Clanbrassil Street.  Damn good curries.  We also had some great sushi in Hilan Chinese & Korean Restaurant on Capel Street.  Diggin’ it.

Our trip to Australia was absolutely amazing and I hope I didn’t sicken y’all too much with my blog updates.  Normal service will now resume.

But one last thing….my only regret about Australia is not buying the above Roo in the pic from The Junk Company in Melbourne, when we went on our Vintage Outing with Danielle and Lyn.

It’s a salt and pepper shaker in the shape of a kangaroo and its joey.  I mean, what the HELL was I thinking leaving that behind in Melbourne?!  It was only $28 (about €15).  It’s been playing on my mind since we left.  Dash it all, I might just have to make another trip back to get it 🙂

Once again, big thanks to Tourism Australia for giving Niall and I this fantastic opportunity.  Their reps in Melbourne and Perth went out of their ways to show us a good time.  I also want to say a big thanks to all of the lovely people we met along the way who welcomed us with such open Australian arms.  Good on ya.

And finally, thanks to all of you who commented along the way!

Right…better start cooking for myself again…:)


While we were in Perth, myself and Niall visited the super deadly RTR FM, an alternative community radio station.  We were interviewed by the lovely Danae Gibson about our trip and you can have a listen by clicking on the link below.

I Can Has Cook and Nialler9 interview on RTR FM